Optimum data quality is ensured only when the data have undergone data cleansing. The quality of data is defined by the correctness and usefulness of the data. Data validation service providers use check routines that check whether –
BDS Services being an expert in the process of Data Validation services, provide well-defined and consistent Data. Science and technology made the process of data validation a lot easier. There are numerous ways that can be used to validate whether the data entered is worthy of calling as a potential lead or not. Some of the methods or common data validation rules used by our star team are:
Here, we use the Validation check and Post-Check action. We send feedback to help enforce the validation of the data. This also helps in checking whether the data entered is consistent or not. Asking to review the data when entered is what should be done.
We perform simple tests to check whether the data entered is correct or not. Like checking whether the US phone number entered for a particular state has the right code or not. Suppose a company has 3 branches and the option is asking the person to state the number code of their branch. If he/she fills it with a number that is not a code of any of the branches, then the data is termed as invalid and is not further processed.
We use external resources to verify whether the data provided to us is valid or not. We check the data by comparing it with the data we already have and also check with the help of trusted databases.
We implement conditional constraints that further validate the data when we come across a complex data set. Structured data validation is used for companies that depend on complex data parameters like the finance industry.
Data validation is a process that must be done even if the data is complex and huge. And it should also be verified by a human at a certain point so as to make sure no good data is lost.
BDS Services offers Data Validation services along with Data mining, Web research, etc. To know more about our services, contact us.
Also Read: https://datavalidationserviceprovidersuk.blogspot.com/2020/03/why-data-validation-is-crucial-in.html